
What shall we do with the drunken sailor,            酔いどれ水夫をどうしたらいい?
What shall we do with the drunken sailor,            酔いどれ水夫をどうしたらいい?
What shall we do with the drunken sailor,            酔いどれ水夫をどうしたらいい?
Early in the morning?                      朝早くから
Way hey, and up she rises,                     ウェーイ ヘイ 帆を上げろ
Way hey, and up she rises,                     ウェーイ ヘイ 帆を上げろ
Way hey, and up she rises,                     ウェーイ ヘイ 帆を上げろ
Early in the morning.                         朝早くから

Put him in the long boat until he's sober,            酔いが冷めるまでボートで放り込んで寝かせておけ
Early in the morning
Way hey, and up she rises,
Early in the morning.

Pull out the plug and wet him all over,             栓を抜いて水をぶっかけておけ
Way hey, and up she rises,
Early in the morning.

Put him in the scuppers with a hose pipe on him,        ホースを巻きつけて、排水穴にぶち込んでおけ
Early in the morning?
Way hey, and up she rises,
Early in the morning.

Heave him by the leg with a runnin' bowlin',           足をはらみ綱で縛って吊るしておけ
Early in the morning?
Way hey, and up she rises,
Early in the morning.

 ☆ この歌の中の「she」とは、「sail 帆」を意味している
 ☆ scuppper 船舶の甲板上の両舷側にある排水穴
 ☆ bowline はらみ綱